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Below you can see some of the public projects.


Beautiful Mind EN

This is the course "Beautiful Mind; Stimulating mind, body and social development" from the Beautiful Mind Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership.

This course is open and free, feel free to come in and see our materials. To take full advantage of the course, to be able to participate, we recommend to register.


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Beautiful Mind PL (Piękny umysł)

Kurs jest skierowany do trenerów, oferujących zajęcia edukacyjne dla seniorów i dorosłych.

Kurs jest bezpłatny, poprzez rejestrację można uzyskać do niego nieograniczony dostęp.


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Beautiful Mind IT

Questo è il corso "Beautiful Mind; Stimulating mind, body and social development" dal Beautiful Mind Erasmus + KA2 partenariato strategico.

Questo corso è aperto e libero, sentitevi liberi di entrare e vedere i nostri materiali. Per trarre il massimo vantaggio del corso, per essere in grado di partecipare, si consiglia di registrarsi.


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Beautiful Mind ES

Este es el curso “Beautiful Mind; Estimulando el desarrollo mental, físico y social” de Beautiful Mind Erasmus+ KA2 Asociación Estratégica.

Este curso es abierto y gratuito, siéntete libre de entrar y ver los materiales. Para obtener todos los beneficios del curso y ser capaz de participar recomendamos registrarse.


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Astronomy for beginners

In this course, we make a short introduction to astronomy. Feel free to register if you are interested about the planets, the solar system and beyond, but also the laws that govern all the universe.

This course if free, and provided only as an example of how a course is offered in EDUECA, this course is created by, all the materials and resources are obtained from the net and with an open license.


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Sharing space


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Dispositivos móviles, tablets y smartphones (Grupo A)
Sharing space

Curso de Dispositivos móviles, tablets y smartphones (Grupo A)

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Outside the box informal learning through technology

This is the on-line course of the "Education on the way: Introducing technology-enhanced informal learning" KA2 Strategic partnership Erasmus+ project.

In this course you will be able to learn how to use and take advantage of the technology in your own subjects (ICT, history, arts, sociology, econocmy, science...) to make the learning experience more motivational, enjoyable and fruitful. 

We propose you learning methods and activities, together with the use of ICT tools and services. That makes possible your learner adquire new competences, skills and attitudes.

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Sharing space


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Sharing space


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Sharing space


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