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Personal data

Security of the information

We use the https protocol to garantee a secure transmision and we also apply security methods to protect your personal data that is stored in the database. Your payment methods (as VISA credit card numbers) are not stored neither processed by us, but for financial entities (banks). Be aware that security is up to you::

Use of Cookies

We use “cookies” with the only aim to collect data with statistical purposes about the use of the website, we do not relate this information with personal data, and we process it aggregated. We do not share the data collected, neither transfer it to other companies. You can modify your surfer cookies configuration to disable the use of cookies. If you do so, you will be able to surf as usual.

About edueca

"edueca" is a trademark of "Centre for the innovation and development of education and technology”, Edueca is a platform for sharing content among people, we only claim copyright about our own content and methods; we do not claim any content and we cannot be responsible for what they publish.


    EduecaTM is an online platform offered as a management service for educational projects such as courses, learning spaces/environments, collaborative networks for the improvement and knowledge management. In Edueca we do not create any kind of educational content and we either offer courses. We offer the tools for other people to do it. The person who creates these projects would be the active subject (the client), the projects could be of different types, public or private, individual or collective. It would be a decision of the client to choose who can be part of his/her educational project and the people he/she wants to share the materials with and collaborate in Edueca with (those would be the users). This communication and interaction within Edueca is produced by the client with an appropriate reasonable use.
    • "Client": It is the person who creates one or more educational projects in Edueca, is in charge of the contents and responsible for an appropriate use of the available tools for the Users.
    • "User": It is the person who has access to Edueca’s platform, allows and accepts being part of the educational project of the Client.
    • "Formative content": Resources such as texts, documents, recordings, images, videos, links or any other resources that the client or the users publish in Edueca for the learning process and the management of knowledge.
    • "Tools": Services offered by Edueca which are available for the clients and the users to allow for the management of the educational process. These are principally communicative and organizational tools. Besides, the clients have access to the project’s administrative tools and they could also share this privilege with other Users.
    • "Reasonable use": Edueca is offered as a platform with the aim of being useful within the field of education. That means, that those who use it will be able to share documents within the community of an educational project, to communicate with each other and to send messages as well as to carry out tasks focused on the training or management of knowledge. On the contrary, using Edueca to distribute files (Cloud Storage), send massive communication (such as marketing or spam), streaming videos or audios, or any other unsuitable usage that might take place far from an educational aim, will be considered inappropriate.

    In accordance with the duty of information according to the applicable regulation of information and electronic trade society services. See the data of the website owner below:

    Owner: Centre for the Innovation and Development of Education and Technology, S.L, CIDET
    Residence: Av. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n, Universitat Jaume I. Espaitec 1. Castellón
    Email address:,
    Telephone number: +34 964 83 14 31, +34 633 490 862
    Registry Data: Castellón Companies' House, volume 1641, sheet 125, 1st entry, page CS-36253, 26 February 2014
    VAT ID/ CIF: ES B12925848

    The access and use of this website as well as the creation of an educational project, attributes the status of client. The access and end use to get and consult formative contents provided by the client and the usage of tools provided by Edueca, attributes the status of end user. Both the client and the end user accept since the very first access the General Conditions of Use reflected in this Legal Notice.


    As the creator and manager of Edueca, CIDET reserves the copyrights on all the contents on this website (texts, images, recordings, videos, files, brands, animations, logos, or source code), except those contents belonging to third parties who has signed the contract for the supply of those contents and except the information provided by the clients of Edueca.

    According to what is exposed in the Copyright Law, it remains strictly forbidden to reproduce and to distribute as well as the public communication including its availability method of the totality or part of the website contents with commercial aims without the authorization of CIDET.


    CIDET reserves the right to make any modifications it considers convenient, at any time and without prior notice. Then, it will have the right to change both the structure and the design of the platform, such as amplifying, suppressing or modifying any of its contents and services.

    Therefore, it reserves the right to modify at any time the present legal conditions of Edueca, with the only responsibility of communicating it to the clients.


    Both the client and the user of Edueca voluntarily accept that the usage of any of the contents of this website will be of their own responsibility. CIDET cannot be held responsible of any damage that might be caused by the use of this website.

    Regarding the consequences of a usage of Edueca that surpasses the reasonable use of this platform, CIDET could not be either held responsible.

    CIDET cannot be held responsible of any of the following circumstances: errors or omissions of the formative contents, lack of availability of the website, transmission of viruses, malware, or programs that may damage the contents in spite of having adopted all the technological preventive methods and techniques.


    According to the Fundamental Law 15/1999 of protection of personal data, facilitated voluntarily by the users, will be stored in a file which belongs exclusively to CIDET.

    The personal data of the clients and/or end-users facilitated through Edueca, will be registered and stored in order to assist, and send commercial or promotional information about products, news, services or events related to Edueca by email or any other means of communication.

    If the user does not want his or her data to be used as previously explained, or wants to acquire the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, he or she should write to CIDET attaching a copy of his or her DNI, or an equivalent document of identification, to the following address: Av. Vicent Sos Baynat s/n. Universitat Jaume I, Espaitec 1, 12006 Castellón.


    The present Legal Notice will be regulated by the current Spanish regulations and any controversy would be submitted to court of the city of Castellón.


    1. The clients and the users of Edueca must not publish any content nor realize any action that might flout the law or infringe the rights of third parties.
    2. The clients of Edueca will not be able to use this platform that might go beyond the reasonable use. That is, Providing original formative content - under any accepted format.
    3. CIDET reserves the right to limit and to remove any public information or content in Edueca if it is considered as a violation of this LEGAL WARNING, or the current regulations
    4. CIDET reserves the right to verify this violation, by means of a complaint or testimony belonging to an end-user or of third parties.
    5. The end-user of Edueca has the right of correcting, suggesting, or even reporting about the formative contents provided by the client.
    6. CIDET promises to keep all the formative contents provided by its clients confidential, as well as the data, messages, and the end-users among many others with the exception of the assumptions on the subsections a) and b) of the section 8.
    7. This Legal Warning establishes the whole agreement with Edueca and substitutes any previous agreement.
    8. If any part of this Legal Warning cannot be carried out, the other parts will keep their complete validity and effect.
    9. Any part of this Legal Warning which might be violated will not be considered an exemption.
    10. Any correction or exemption of this Legal Warning should be written and signed by CIDET or its legal agent.
    11. As a client or end-user, you must not transfer any of your rights or responsibilities without the previous supervision and approval of CIDET.
    12. Nothing written on this Legal Warning will let us violate the law.
    13. CIDET reserves all the rights to Edueca that might not be expressly attributed to the clients, end-users or third parties.
    14. All the applicable rules and regulations must be obeyed when using Edueca.