
Welcome to the online course!

Today, Digital Media is essential for communication and participation in society. Although senior citizens could benefit from digital opportunities, they are the population group which is often not yet online. But it could be that simple: two important elements have proven themselves to make it easier for seniors to enter the digital world: tablet PCs and contact persons.

We are therefore particularly pleased to be able to offer this online course and to welcome you here. This course will show you, as multipliers, how to facilitate the use and benefits of the tablet PC to older people. You will learn how to use the tablet and its applications and how to pass on your knowledge to the target group. 

The course can also be used as an extension to a qualification for multipliers. Trainers of multipliers will be shown how to integrate the learning materials in a qualification with a blended learning approach.

Backgroud of the course:

The online course was developed as part of the project "Connect Seniors to the Digital World" (acronym: Seniors@DigiWorld) and was accompanied by trainers in a blended learning course, i.e. with additional face-to-face training. Development and piloting took place in four countries in parallel: Romania, Lithuania, Spain and Germany. The feedback we received from the course participants has been used to adjust the course.

This project has been funded under the European Commission's Erasmus+ programme, ref. no. 2016-EN02-KA204-03345 and is the responsibility of the author only; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The online course, all the materials and curricula are freely available (licence: CC BY NC SA).


Start the course with these first steps:

  • To which target group do you belong?
    • Will you use the online course as soon-to-be or even experienced multiplier in order to further develop your skills to empower seniors in using tablet PCs? Then go to the tab "For Multipliers".
    • Will you use the online course as a trainer for multipliers? Then visit the tab "For Trainers of Multipliers".
  • Take a look at how the learning platform Edueca is structured and can be used. We have prepared some worksheets with pictures and explanations: please klick here.
  • Explore the forum. Questions, materials and information from all learners and teachers can be discussed here. Remember, there are some rules for using the forum: Tips for participating in the forum. You can only write in the forum if you are registered at the learning platform Edueca.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.